Appreciative Inquiry ‘Summit’ for collective action around SDG 7

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Sep 30, 2022

The past July, some 30 people representing 15 organisations convened for 2 days in The Hague as front-runners in the NL Energy Compact. The summit was co-hosted and facilitated by MVO Nederland and Perspectivity’s Han Rakels.

While their stakes were very diverse, during an intense Appreciative Inquiry ‘Summit’ they established common ground on the core question: “What are we going to do together to contribute to achieving SDG 7 in the coming years and how are we going to achieve that collectively?”

As leaders in the finance sector, businesses, government, humanitarian and development organisations, academic institutions and knowledge providers. Rather than individually contributing to SDG 7 – access to affordable, reliable, clean energy – the Compact has set out the build a movement whereby creating collective impact is what is strived for.

NL Platform is coordinated by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and delivered by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. The NL Energy Compact is a joint ambition between 26 primary organisations that accelerates SDG7 action in low and middle-income countries. 

It came as a response to the United Nations invitation of the Netherlands, as Global Champion for the 2021 High Level Dialogue on Energy and to show its leadership on accelerating SDG7 action.



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