Bibi van Ginkel

Meet Bibi our newest co-worker. She is working with us at our Nutshuis office.
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Dec 15, 2021

Hello, my name is Bibi.

Since September of this year I share the office space with Perspectivity in the Nutshuis in The Hague. After more than a decade working at the Clingendael Institute and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, I started my own consultancy The Glocal Connection – Platform for Shared Security in 2019.


I believe that solutions for complex security problems can only be found when connections are made between communities of the different levels in society: global, regional, national and local. Rather a human security lens than a state security lens ensures all interests are taking into account searching for solutions, as it allows to use the full potential of the creativity of communities whose interest are at stake in a manner that fits the context.  Not lecturing about so-called best-practices, or top down attempts to roll out policies, but the quality of listening to the needs and local actions developed is crucial in coming to an effective strategy.There furthermore needs to be a connection between law and security and between development and security in the policy approaches implemented in order to strive for sustainable and legitimate solutions. Finally, ensuring that research is used to inform evidence-based policy making, and programmes are monitored and evaluated are key ingredients for effective and sustainable policy strategies to face complex security problems. 

With more than 20 years experience working in research, training, policy advising and policy evaluation in the field of counter-terrorism and countering and preventing violent extremism, I have had the privilege of working with grassroot community based organizations, local and national governments, and international organizations.  
Sharing the office space with Perspectivity is very inspiring, discovering a shared vision on approaching complex security problems, and exploring options for collaborations. Looking forward to meeting you!”
Get in touch via or via my LinkedIn Bibi van Ginkel.