A hands-on guide for academia to explore why, when
and how to engage in dialogue for more impact in society.
contact usComplexity Navigator: wooden set
A wooden set of nine building blocks which help you to unravel your specific complex situation.
Article: ‘Deep Democracy for 100% support’
Monique Janmaat published an article about Deep Democracy: how can it help you to make broadly supported decisions, using the wisdom of the minority?
A bundle of complexity
A bundle with 18 stories on complex transformation processes, shared by facilitators, initiators, managers and citizens.
Article: ‘How European collaboration can be successful’
An article by Han Rakels on the U4 Academic Leadership Programme, developed by and for five European universities.
Book: Walking the Perspectivity Path
What is the origin of Perspectivity? Co-founder Hans Keijzer wrote this highly personal book about his quest for an attitude that is focused on the service of society as a whole, published just after his death in 2013.
Video: Perspectivity’s Climate Challenge
How would you deal with the complex problem of climate change?
Video: Future Search – Reality
How does Future Search look like in real life?
Video: Future Search – Philosophy
What is the philosophy behind Future Search?
Video: PechaKucha about ‘warheid’
A PechaKucha presentation about our origins, why we feel separated, what the ‘warboel’ is all about, and how that leads us to both chemistry and Pippi Langkous.
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