By Yeming Rouw (The Spindle) On the 3rd of November, The Spindle hosted a lively kick-off event for the first ever Spindle Cycle: a four month cycle to boost ideas and innovations and to strengthen and connect innovators in development around a specific Spindle theme....
contact usPerspectivity successfully trains Nijenrode faculty to use the Nexus! challenge
Michiel Damoiseaux and Herman van der Meyden went to Nijenrode business school at October 6th for a Nexus! training. Nijenrode will use Nexus! as part of an executive education program this fall, during a module on complexity and resilience. This module is taught by...
Best Graduates evaluated during Perspectivity Nexus! Challenge
20 of the best and brightest graduate students in the Netherlands gathered at the Rijswijk offices at Tuesday 3rd May for a Shell in-house day. They are participating in the Best Graduate Game, organised by Memory Group, to compete for who is the Best Graduate of...
Dudley UK write up
March 2016 saw the latest Public Health game challenge being played in Stourbridge, UK (the home of glass making). The 5 hour return train journey from London was worthwhile! Almost 50 General Practice doctor trainees attended this incredibly lively session. Teams...
British School in The Netherlands
Last month 65 students aged 14-15 years from the British School in The Netherlands rose to the challenge and played the Climate Challenge. It was part of their Life Skills course which includes a topic on being a principled thinker, so the challenge was the perfect...
Perspectivity Challenge, The Climate Edition at Hogeschool Utrecht
9 o’ clock, mondaymorning. The lecture room slowly filled with 60 just-out-of-bed students. The start of a new semester, what to expect? And then… Action time: they were flooded with information on the Perspectivity Challenge and then sent to the prepared classrooms....
Perspectivity Climate Challenge at Young Shell
The Young Shell crowd was most certainly impacted by both the game and the debrief session. Their discussions continued into Thursday night and through to lunch on Friday, and certainly will continue to ripple on. We have already been contacted by another Young Shell...
Perspectivity Challenge for Part-time Students from University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
After having started with full-time students from the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht last year, on Thursday night the 7th of January the Perspectivity Challenge was played with part-time students for the first time. About 24 students (two tables) played...
AkzoNobel Graduate Development Programme, December 10th 2015, with Hanne & Henk
While Planet Climate talks are going on in Paris, future leaders at AkzoNobel are being trained in Sustainability Policy. The Perspectivity Climate Game is the start of the second day of the module on sustainability. Lessons learned have to be applied to their own...
Perspectivity Challenge for the Fifth Asian Forum on Global Governance
Perspectivity had been invited for the 4th time to conduct a Perspectivity Challenge for the Fifth Asian Forum on Global Governance (AFGG) organised by Observer Research Foundation and ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Delhi, India. Anubhav and...
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