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80 Hogeschool Utrecht students discover why they need mindsight

80 Hogeschool Utrecht students discover why they need mindsight

On February 3rd, the kick-off of the fully revised course Sustainable Business Management took place at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. Perspectivity was invited to host the climate game and seventy students in Technical Business Administration gathered to...

‘Perspectivity Game’ at the Tax Authorities: a Big Success!

‘Perspectivity Game’ at the Tax Authorities: a Big Success!

In November 200 managers of the Netherlands Tax Authorities played the Perspectivity Game. In the beautiful scenery of the Railway Museum in Utrecht they played fanatic at 15 tables. Participants all work in the supply chain of the Tax Authorities; a very complex...

Nespresso Play the Perspectivity Game

Nespresso Play the Perspectivity Game

Coffee is everywhere today but some brands stand out strongly. Nespresso has been one of the coffee success stories of recent times and due to its success it is building new production facilities at Romont, near Lausanne in Switzerland. Establishing a new production...

Perspectivity Game played by the Liberal Party of Serbia

Perspectivity Game played by the Liberal Party of Serbia

Getting to yes! The weekend of 17-19 October VVD international organized a negotiating training with (future) leaders of the Liberal party of Serbia, LDP. Mediation expert Felix Merks and VVD international toptrainer Kamran Ullah gave a three-day crash course in...

Engaging the Emergent at LSE

Engaging the Emergent at LSE

It is now five years Perspectivity has been running for the International Management at Cumberland Lodge for MSC Students from London School of Economics (LSE) with 40+ students each time. We based the design of the 'extended workshop' that sees students play the game...

Perspectivity Game at EWAS Shanghai

Perspectivity Game at EWAS Shanghai

Two years ago, Deepali from United Nations University had played the Perspectivity Game at one of the open game sessions in London. By chance, Deepali connected back with Dharmesh to understand if the game would be suitable for an annual StEP E-Waste Academy...

Perspectivity Game at the Asian Forum for Global Governance

Perspectivity Game at the Asian Forum for Global Governance

This is the third time Perspectivity was invited for the Asian Forum for Global Governance which is an annual event organized by ORF. AFGG’14 was conducted by ORF in partnership with ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius. The event was inaugurated by Shashi Tharoor,...

Perspectivity Game during the Sharing Week

Perspectivity Game during the Sharing Week

From October 8th until 15th it was Dutch Sharing Week. The purpose of this week was to make clear what we can actually share with each other. Many organisations and initiatives took their stage to be an inspiring example for others. Marieke Groenhart and Fanny...

Perspectivity Game in Tanzania

Perspectivity Game in Tanzania

Perspectivity game played with all teachers of the International School Moshi to start the new school year. Established in 1969 to serve the needs of the expatriate and local communities, the school has grown to provide a fully accredited international education for...

Open Game with 7 nationalities played in Utrecht

Open Game with 7 nationalities played in Utrecht

Monday June 30 we hosted an open game session in Utrecht. Although the group was relatively small -only 13 players- it was extremely divers. Together we represented seven nationalities: American, Aruban, Bulgarian, Dutch, Lithuanian, Romanian and even a participant...

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