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Perspectivity Game at Dutch development bank FMO

Perspectivity Game at Dutch development bank FMO

Thursday June 5th 2014: As part of the IFC ‘Annual Conference on SME Financing’ the Perspectivity Game was played at Dutch development bank FMO in The Hague (Netherlands). After a short introduction by Walter and the explanation of the introductory rules, participants...

Open game session Perspectivity Bangalore

Open game session Perspectivity Bangalore

Perspectivity Bangalore conducted an open-game session on the 24th of May. The game was played with 7 participants on one board, facilitated by Anubhav Khanduja. It was an interesting session primarily because of the flavor of background of the participants. One-half...

Perspectivity Game with the Cliniclowns

Perspectivity Game with the Cliniclowns

Pieter facilitated the Perspectivity Game with the Cliniclowns – a Dutch foundation that provides clown-services for ill and/or handicapped children. In the context of a larger organisation-wide change process, the game was played by 18 people of the Marketing &...

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