Exploring abundance on Afrikadag

What if we had plenty of capacities and resources to realise a future we want? That was the central question during two consecutive workshops hosted by Partos and facilitated by Perspectivity […]
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May 14, 2018

What if we had plenty of capacities and resources to realise a future we want? That was the central question during two consecutive workshops hosted by Partos and facilitated by Perspectivity during Afrikadag 2018, a yearly event organised by the Max van der Stoel Foundation.

When we think about development cooperation, we tend to think about money going from the ‘North’ to the ‘South’. And we usually focus on scarcity. With ‘A future we want’ in mind, the outcome of the future exploration initiated by Partos, The Spindle and Perspectivity, we focused on abundance instead.

Focussing on abundance – instead of scarcity- released loads of energy.

In two times 100 minutes, the group came up with an enormous list of capacities and resources that we have in abundance. To name a few: salt water, creativity, children, history, robots, plastic, mindfulness, love, conflict. And even though not all items were positive, the total list conveyed an optimistic outlook on the world.

Each group then explored how to use some of these resources to work towards a desirable future. Either to address a specific challenge or to create new opportunities. From ‘Waste to end poverty in Eurafrica’ to ‘Rise in mindfulness lowering health care costs by 70%’ and ‘Children planting ideas’.

Afrikadag is a yearly event about Africa and international cooperation and is organised by the Max van der Stoel Foundation and various partners, including Partos. This year Afrika Dag took place on Saturday April 14 in the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam (KIT).

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