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The Art of Retreating

The Art of Retreating

From the 6th till the 8th September 2021, the Perspectivity Collective met at De Lievelinge camp site in Vuren for their 2021 Summer Retreat.

Guide: WUR Dialogue Navigator

Guide: WUR Dialogue Navigator

A hands-on guide for academia to explore why, when
and how to engage in dialogue for more impact in society.

Our Stories of Change – Writeshop Workshop in Lebanon

Our Stories of Change – Writeshop Workshop in Lebanon

We partnered with the Knowledge Workshop, a lebanese feminist organisation, to facilitate a writeshop workshop in Lebanon for women and transpeople.
The intention of the writeshop was to amplify the role of women and transpeople in shaping personal and collective changes.
KW and Perspectivity in collaboration with the participants will be working together to publish the stories written in the near future.

Online Workshop: Putting People First

Online Workshop: Putting People First

An online and interactive workshop on working with stories for a more people-centered and inclusive approach, especially in fragile and complex settings. 20 April 2021 - 13:00 to 16:00 CET  What is the workshop about?Organised by Perspectivity and ReflACTION,...

Lunch interviews about the Middle East

Lunch interviews about the Middle East

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a complex region: more than 500 million people, twenty different countries, a rich cultural, economic and intellectual history, the cradle of all three monotheistic religions, and a strategic location in and next to three...

The smartest neighbourhood in the Netherlands

The smartest neighbourhood in the Netherlands

During a hybrid online/offline workshop on the 28th of October, an initiative by UNSense for a new neighbourhood in Helmond was on the agenda. A neighbourhood where the digital energy transition also touches upon the transition of services and data around the...

download the complexity navigator

Nine building blocks for creating collective impact in complexity

Complex challenges are journeys of discovery, involving many actors and factors that are intertwined. The result of their interaction is unpredictable. Fortunately we can deal with complexity in a sensible way!

Perspectivity has developed a transformation tool to help you navigate complexity. Our Complexity Navigator is made up of nine building blocks. Each block is a stepping stone on the journey to create collective impact. The extent to which you need each block depends on the situation.