Inspired by G1000
In the past years, the concept of 'G1000' has gained more popularity as a way to involve citizens in the creation of government policy. We recently had an elaborate conversation with the initiators of G1000 in the Netherlands. We were inspired by their enthusiasm,...
Climate Challenge goes online!
The Climate Challenge is the mother of all Perspectivity Challenges. It was the first one, and it has seen all parts of the world. Its track record is huge, with sounding names like World Bank, Amsterdam Institute of Finance, London School of Economics, Warton...
Online courses for the TU Delft
The corona crisis is still striking hard in different parts of the world. As Perspectivity, we find great value in face-to-face settings for the trainings that we design and deliver. This has to do with the lively dynamics of the delivery. The challenge was therefore...
Article: ‘Deep Democracy for 100% support’
Monique Janmaat published an article about Deep Democracy: how can it help you to make broadly supported decisions, using the wisdom of the minority?
Another magic Writeshop experience
Zoom, 2 April 2020 - Twenty participants gather online for the second Perspectivity Writeshop. Purpose: learn to write and write to learn together. Will the guided collective writing approach, that created ‘magic in the room’ last year, also work online? That’s our...
The Perspectivity Story of Nohad
My experience can be summarized in 3 letters: C, K, and T. C for Coffee and Connection Over the years, I saw how a cup of coffee can solve conflicts, raise morals, ease failures, and more importantly build connections. Throughout my career, I learned that answers were...
Much great news on the Perspectivity partnerships development!
As you know, Perspectivity loves to collaborate in a long term partnership. We do so on basis of a license agreement: the organization at hand buys the Perspectivity challenge(s) and colleagues become trained in order to host the...
Social [Distancing] Fabric alleviates corona-blues
News from the community The Social [Distancing] Fabric, a collaborative embroidery project, is an initiative by fashion designer Karim Adduchi and The World Makers Foundation. People receive a cotton fabric with a hand-made drawing by Adduchi, to be embroidered at...
Perspectivity Community Learning Event 20 May
20 May at 1 - 2:30 PM CET Deep Democracy online teaser: how we work towards an inclusive democracy in these times? Another Community event is coming up in May! This time we will explore a relevant topic through the Deep Democracy method, an inclusive decision making...
download the complexity navigator
Nine building blocks for creating collective impact in complexity
Complex challenges are journeys of discovery, involving many actors and factors that are intertwined. The result of their interaction is unpredictable. Fortunately we can deal with complexity in a sensible way!
Perspectivity has developed a transformation tool to help you navigate complexity. Our Complexity Navigator is made up of nine building blocks. Each block is a stepping stone on the journey to create collective impact. The extent to which you need each block depends on the situation.