Perspectivity Challenge, The Climate Edition at Hogeschool Utrecht

9 o’ clock, mondaymorning. The lecture room slowly filled with 60 just-out-of-bed students. The start of a new semester, what to expect? And then… Action time: they were flooded with […]
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9 o’ clock, mondaymorning. The lecture room slowly filled with 60 just-out-of-bed students. The start of a new semester, what to expect? And then… Action time: they were flooded with information on the Perspectivity Challenge and then sent to the prepared classrooms. The Perspectivity gameleaders welcomed the slightly confused students to the game-boards and they were off.

After half an hour you could hear laughter in all rooms. The tension was rising, conflicts started emerging, strategies were deployed and re-adjusted. After an hour the temperatures in the rooms were some 2 degrees higher then before the start. The outcomes again were totally different from previous sessions, so we had a lot to talk about. The students very actively engeged in self-reflection and group-reflection on the outcomes. Very wise remarks were made on the nature of human co-operation, the balance between long term and short term profitability.