Thursday June 5th 2014: As part of the IFC ‘Annual Conference on SME Financing’ the Perspectivity Game was played at Dutch development bank FMO in The Hague (Netherlands). After a short introduction by Walter and the explanation of the introductory rules, participants (primarily active in investment positions) from all over the world joined in three different groups and started playing the Perspectivity Game.
In the first few rounds different group dynamics arose at the different tables. At one table an increased commitment was followed by heated interaction. Different teams held different views on conflicts at their game. And yet other tables progressed harmoniously in their game. During the discussions rounds some teams preached continued while others held their cards to themselves.
When reviewing the different games in the debrief several theories and concept were addressed by the participants. The difference in game play was reflected in the great difference in end scores. This brought the most to experience deep insights. During dinner and the morning session the next day, several referrals were made to the Perspectivity Game. This made us to conclude that yet another Perspectivity Game was held succesfuly. We thank FMO and IFC for have us facilitate the game.
Pieter, Henk, Nick, Hanna & Steven.