Scrum Increases Team Productivity

Scrum is a smart way of organising project teams that is gaining popularity outside of IT. This week, Jeff Sutherland, founder of Scrum, presented the Dutch version of his latest […]
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Jan 25, 2015

Scrum is a smart way of organising project teams that is gaining popularity outside of IT. This week, Jeff Sutherland, founder of Scrum, presented the Dutch version of his latest book Scrum: doing twice as much in halve the time (Maven Publishing).

Petra de Boer and her co-authors from NovaScrum, illustrated that Scrum can also be used outside of IT. In education, government, NGO’s and even at home. The presentations took place at the Rabobank headquarters in Utrecht.

Scrum coach Petra: “Scrum has technically nothing to do with IT. It is just a smart way to organise project teams to be more productive and have fun along the way. I Scrum with multidisciplinary teams, to make optimal use of everyone capacities. And I’ve even used it at home, to renovate my house. At Perspectivity we are exploring new ways to apply Scrum to social challenges, to increase the collective impact of organisations and communities.”

NovaScrum is a collective of Scrum coaches outside of IT. They are currently writing a Scrum case book which will be published by Business Contact in the summer of 2015.

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