Stories beyond Numbers

One Drop Foundation experience adopting Sprockler as one of their methods to measure outcomes and changes in the WASH programmes
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Jun 17, 2022

Written by Anna Zisa (Manager – Monitoring, evaluation, research and learning, International Programs, One Drop Foundation)

During the second semester of 2020, 177 participants of the Lazos de Agua Programme in four countries in Latin America were interviewed in person with the Sprockler approach.

These interviewees had participated in participatory and artistic interventions aiming to change behaviours related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). These interventions derive from The One Drop Foundation Social Art for Behaviour Change™ (SABC) approach, core to the Lazos de Agua Programme. The Programme is implemented from 2016 to the end of 2022 in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay by Plan Colombia, Water For People, Living Water International, WaterAid and Fundación Moisés Bertoni, respectively.

Through the Sprockler questionnaire, the goal was to capture participants’ perceptions of the changes they have experienced since participating in SABC interventions. The Sprockler interviews complemented household surveys which measured the practice of behaviours quantitatively by providing depth and isolating the effect of SABC interventions among other programme efforts which include building WASH infrastructure and capacity building of service providers.

Using the Sprockler approach and its various tools was highly appreciated by One Drop and its implementing partners who collaboratively designed the inquiry with Perspectivity’s guidance. Interviewees seemed to have enjoyed the experience of being interviewed through engaging story-based questions and reflecting on their stories by responding directly to multiple-choice questions, bipoles or tripoles through screen-touch on tablets with the Sprockler collector app.

The Visualizer tool of Sprockler which creates interactive online reports was also very useful. It allowed to rapidly create visualizations that are readily shareable and easily duplicated into country-specific reports. Feel free to visit this interactive report and hear or read what participants shared, or see the data visualizations. The visualizer report was used as the basis for collective sense-making, a way of doing analysis where various data users actively arrive at findings instead of passively being presented with the findings. A summary of the findings can be found here.

The experience of One Drop using Sprockler for the Lazos de Agua Program in Latin America paved the way for using it again in another WASH project in India in 2021 and 2022 for identifying latrine use determinants among men. 

More info?

  • Please contact Marjolein Kok if you have any questions or would like more information.
  • Read more about the project here