International Development

The issues around development cooperation and migration are often specially complex. Perspectivity loves to contribute to navigating the complexity of these issues and always uses a participatory and inclusive approach in this. Examples of our work on development and migration can be found below.
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Working towards a new inclusive peace and security policy!

Working towards a new inclusive peace and security policy!

Events like the attacks in Brussels and Ankara, the fight against ISIS and the increasing numbers of refugees make the challenge we face in the field of peace and security very clear. That was partly why it was so inspiring and challenging to facilitate the creation...

Organisational Reform at Caritas Egypt Kicks Off

Organisational Reform at Caritas Egypt Kicks Off

The reform programme at Caritas Egypt is aimed at at strengthening the organisation and its people, to make it more sustainable and its work more visible in the world. The programme was designed and is implemented by Perspectivity Enterprise. The programme kicked...

Reflections on ‘Theory of Change’ with RNW Media

Reflections on ‘Theory of Change’ with RNW Media

Lisette Gast is working with RNW Media to develop their Theory of Change (ToC). In development cooperation, there are many interpretations of what a ToC entails. Below, Lisette shares her reflections:    "The world is changing and so is RNW Media[1]. These...

Women on the Frontline (WoF) in the Middle East and Northern Africa

Women on the Frontline (WoF) in the Middle East and Northern Africa

Perspectivity is contributing with passion and compassion to the Women on the Frontline programme of the consortium of Hivos, Oxfam, PwC and IWPR. We feel inspired and challenged to contribute to achieving impact with this programme in such a complex environment....

Appreciative Country Planning GIZ Tanzania

Appreciative Country Planning GIZ Tanzania

Around 30 staff members of the German International Cooperation (GIZ) Tanzania participated in a participatory planning process. They interviewed each other about the successes of 2013 and identified the root causes of these successes. It gave them insight in...

Multi-stakeholder Dialogues in South Sudan & Brasil

Multi-stakeholder Dialogues in South Sudan & Brasil

What do Wau and Nova Iguacu in common? They are both affected by (armed) conflict and Perspectivity was asked to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues to reflect and plan for action. Lisette has been facilitating these processes, which only give a small insight into...

Reforming Caritas Egypt

Reforming Caritas Egypt

Misereor (Aachen), in cooperation with Secours Catholique (Paris) and Caritas Germany (Freiburg) is contracting Perspectivity for a three year initiative to reform Caritas Egypt headquartered in Cairo, an organization that both have been supporting over decades....

Perspectivity Game at the Living Wage Innovation Challenge.

Perspectivity Game at the Living Wage Innovation Challenge.

How clean are your clothes? The Perspectivity Garment Game promotes Fair Wages in the Textile Industry. Help us develop the Game by giving us your vote! Perspectivity is participating in the Living Wage Innovation Challenge organized by the C&A Foundation and HiiL...

Staff of GIZ in Tanzania focussed on Appreciative Country Planning

Staff of GIZ in Tanzania focussed on Appreciative Country Planning

Around 30 staff of the German International Cooperation (GIZ) in Tanzania went to a participatory planning process. They interviewed each other about the successes of 2013 and identified the root causes of these successes. It gave them insight in what they are good at...

We are particularly qualified in working with the following themes and methods