Organisational change takes courage. Especially when you expect resistance and change fatigue. And even more so when the political reality dictates the goals. Shifting mindsets of client managers, organising the work differently, treating clients differently…. Where...
The majority of people in our collective and community are based in the Netherlands. We love to help organisations, institutes and communities in our own country navigate complexity. Examples of our work in the Netherlands can be found below. contact usMinistry of VWS hosts Tangram Party
The Perspectivity Tangram complexity tool has matured and we organised a workshop to celebrate this. The Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) was so kind to host the party. The Tangram is a diagnostic tool developed by Perspectivity. It enables...
Communication Scrum in Oldambt
The communication department of the municipality of Oldambt wonders if they can use Scrum to distribute their work and share knowledge in the team. In a one-day workshop, the team is introduced to the principles of Scrum and practices by applying these to...
Participatory policy design in Maastricht
On June 14, the new subsidy system for volunteer work was approved by the Maastricht city council, with "extensive compliments to everyone" by the council. The new regulation has been developed through a participatory process with a wide representation of various...
Networking for day care and participation in Amsterdam
On the 16th of June 2016, 70 people involved in day care and participation in Amsterdam come together for the follow-up of the participation lab. Participants strengthen their networks, make new connections and work together on their common ambition to ensure...
Senior citizen dialogue in Maastricht
The municipality of Maastricht is strengthening the position of senior citizens with a positive approach to health. More info? Newspaper Seniorendialoog (in Dutch) Positive health Contact: Elien Rogaar
Amsterdam city districts reflect on participation programmes for citizens
The City of Amsterdam would like all of its citizen to participate in society; as a volunteer or in a job. The Pulse program -which started in 2015- activates citizens with a large distance to the labour market. In a one-day workshop, more than 60 policy advisors...
Stakeholder dialogue: Safe swimming in open water Amsterdam
More and more people are swimming in Amsterdam's open water, but not always safely! The municipality, water board and province want to enable more possibilities to have a safe swim in Amsterdam's open water. In February 2016, more than 40 stakeholders from various...
City Circle Decentralisation Social Domain Maastricht
On Tuesday the 15th of September 2015, the Mosae Forum in Maastricht fills up with people for the City Round on the Social Domain. These people come to talk about the three decentralisations: social support (Wmo), youth welfare and work & income. These...
Participation Works Lab in Amsterdam
"How can we make it possible that more Amsterdammers participate sustainably?" This is one of the top priorities of the Amsterdam municipality, since the Participation Act and the new Social Support Act came into force on January 1st, 2015. A complex issue that...
We are particularly qualified in working with the following themes and methods