There is more attention for the affordability of our health care system. Budgets are decreasing and the pressure on people and resources is going up. Who pays for the investments in health care in the future? How would you design this? Are you interested in this topic...
Public Policy
Strategic visions, legislation, process design and implementation of public policy, it all requires careful consideration of the interests of the people and the authorities. We unleash creativity and provide structure to help find sustainable solutions in this always complex field of forces. Examples of our work on public policy can be found below. contact usCivil servants learn how to manage complexity
Op uitnodiging heeft Perspectivity een workshop over complexiteit verzorgd voor rijksambtenaren van diverse ministeries in Den Haag. De workshop is onderdeel van de leergang 'Van buiten naar binnen'. De workshop bestaat uit twee delen: Wat is...
Dialogue-based conference for organisational change
Organisational change takes courage. Especially when you expect resistance and change fatigue. And even more so when the political reality dictates the goals. Shifting mindsets of client managers, organising the work differently, treating clients differently…. Where...
Participatory policy design in Maastricht
On June 14, the new subsidy system for volunteer work was approved by the Maastricht city council, with "extensive compliments to everyone" by the council. The new regulation has been developed through a participatory process with a wide representation of various...
National Security Game played at the 9th Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior National Security Officers (APPSNO)
National security is a complex domain encompassing matters ranging from the challenges of homeland security management, to designing coping strategies for a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional threats. National security, especially in a rapidly changing...
Perspectivity Public Health Challenge is shaping up
Last Wednesday, a small crowd gathered in a wine shop in The Hague to run a test of the Perspectivity Public Health Challenge. The dynamics were good: lots of laughther, anger and frustration. Some useful improvements were identified and are now being incorporated for...
New edition Perspectivity Game on National Security – Singapore
Perspectivity was asked to develop a new National Security edition of the Perspectivity Game for the National Security Coordination Secretariat in Singapore. The new game was played with over 200 people at 14 game tables during the National Security Seminar late...
VWS reflects on Inspiratine process
In November, some 50 employees and clients of the Directorate for Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology reconvened for a day to reflect on the workings of “Inspiratine” – the naming of the change process for the Directorate. Most important progress was reported in the...
Appreciative Inquiry Proposal for Ireland biggest Government Department
Perspectivity Enterprise was recently invited to make a formal presentation to the Change Management Team at Ireland Department for Social Protection. The Department has recently been restructuring with the merging of three major services under one umbrella. The...
Maastricht Unanimous About Future
"Political Maastricht is headed united towards the future. The entire council - a rarity - endorsed the economic vision the city has outlined for the next fifteen years." Dagblad De Limburger, Thursday, February 21, 2013 The economic vision was developed through an...
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