Michiel Damoiseaux and Herman van der Meyden went to Nijenrode business school at October 6th for a Nexus! training. Nijenrode will use Nexus! as part of an executive education program this fall, during a module on complexity and resilience. This module is taught by Roland Kupers, one of the co-developers of the Nexus! challenge. The training went very fast and in the demo-game typical game dynamics of coalition-building, a feeling of isolation, monopolization of resources and wild price fluctuations happened. The faculty commented afterwards that they will need a few practice runs and then look forward to offer the experience to their students in November. We hope this may be the start of a broader collaboration between Nijenrode and Perspectivity.
Perspectivity successfully trains Nijenrode faculty to use the Nexus! challenge
Michiel Damoiseaux and Herman van der Meyden went to Nijenrode business school at October 6th for a Nexus! training. Nijenrode will use Nexus! as part of an executive education program […]
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