
Sensemaking in WASH initiatives with RVO in Kenya and Ghana
RVO, the Dutch Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business. They initiated a ‘sense-making’ pilot to learn how to use stories to […]
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RVO, the Dutch Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business. They initiated a ‘sense-making’ pilot to learn how to use stories to deepen their understanding of the impact of their WASH projects (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). Perspectivity was asked to develop this ‘sense-making’ pilot. Together with RVO and their colleagues in Ghana and Kenya, we developed an inquiry and collected stories with Sprockler. Han, Marjolein and Petra, together with RVO, presented and discussed the findings at the IRC WASH Symposium last March.

Experiences and data were collected with Sprockler in two projects:

  • A Kenyan project on sanitation market creation through social marketing, sanitation entrepreneurship and (micro-credit) loans, and
  • A Ghanaian project on the implementation of a mobile monitoring systems to monitor rural water and sanitation services and to contribute to reducing the high level of breakdowns of drinking water systems.

The pilot gave insights amongst others into the affordability, accessibility and sustainability of the newly created services from the perspective of various stakeholders.

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