Agile Scrum

Scrum is a smart method for working on projects with teams and achieving fast and visible results. It has been used in IT for years and is now quickly starting to gain popularity in other fields.

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Scrum is an agile approach. It embraces change through working in short cycles – called sprints – that continue to deliver meaningful partial results. Due to intensive contact with the client and other stakeholders, the team receives frequent feedback. In that way, it can easily deal with continuously changing circumstances.

Scrum teams are compact – seven plus or minus two persons – and are per definition multidisciplinary so that they are able to finish the lion’s share of the project together. The team is highly self-organised. Periodic retrospectives make sure the team keeps getting better and better.

Scrum is fixed in method and flexible in application. From government to education, non-profit to business, every project team that works in a changing environment can use Scrum to achieve fast results.

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Our toolbox

In our work, we use a broad range of methodologies and approaches that lean on decades of experimental research. We gratefully build on the theories and concepts developed by our teachers and colleagues. To achieve sustainable results, we determine which method fits every project best.

Methods we frequently use: