World Café

World Café is an easy-to-use method for conversations around questions that really matter. The methodology exists of a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue with a broad variety of stakeholders.

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What it achieves?

Experiences range from community conversations held in villages and town halls to policy decisions in government and public institutions, to product assessment in corporate settings. World Café can be modified to meet a wide variety of needs. Specifics of context, numbers, purpose, location, and other circumstances are factored into each event’s unique invitation, design, and question.

Unique about this setting was that all hierarchy and level differences disappeared.

The seven basic design principles for a successful World Café: 1) Set the context; 2) Create a hospitable space; 3) Explore questions that matter; 4) Encourage everyone’s contribution; 5) Connect diverse perspectives; 6) Listen together for patterns and insights; 7) Share collective discoveries.

Are you interested in starting and maintaining a dialogue?

Our toolbox

In our work, we use a broad range of methodologies and approaches that lean on decades of experimental research. We gratefully build on the theories and concepts developed by our teachers and colleagues. To achieve sustainable results, we determine which method fits every project best.

Methods we frequently use: